$ echo "ayo, i'm xero!"

a XX year old hacker from pittsburgh. {ab,}using my unix skills as the director of security. dedicated to releasing open source code & giving away my fonts for free. the kind of unix greybeard you'd call a "ricer" who has their dotfiles under version control. long hair, beard, black/grey clothes, hightop shoes, piercings, & tattoos. i'm married to the love of my life nina, we have two wonderful children, & a frisky bichon puppy named harley. and if you haven't noticed yet, i don't care for capitalization.

i <3 code, unix, art, edc, retro gaming, mech keebz & keycaps, comics, and h4x

contact me

email: xxero.style
matrix: x0rx.haunted.computer
gpg/pgp: 15A4B803F8EFF47E7A2150490DA7AB45AC1D0000
curl https://0w.nz/pgp.pub | gpg --import

syntax samurai / code monkey

proficient in: posix/bash, lua, php, ecma {java/type/action} script, python, c, c++, c#, java, m, vb, html/xml, css/sass/stylus, json, yaml, haml, hcl, awk, sed, pcre regex, t-sql dangerous in: rust, perl, ruby/groovy, swift, pascal, delphi, r, orange, tcl, etc... database platforms: mysql, sqlite, postgresql, elastic/opensearch, couchdb, mongo, ms-sql, redis, db2, access

warez & workflows

as a self proclaimed unix wizard, i prefer to interact with my computer using the {shell,terminal,command line} living in the TTY via a framebuffer.

zsh is an extensible, bash like, interactive shell with awesome completion and correction engines. i manage multiple shell sessions with tmux, a feature packed terminal multiplexer with support for buffers, split windows, detached local and remote sessions, and more. my editor is neovim making me a member of the cult of vi. sing phrases to the 3rd reincarnation of the glorious ed! curl is my favorite tool for exploring the web. docker for containerizing and running custom services and workloads. and blink.sh is the terminal emulator that transforms my ipad into an actual computer.


text art
i do ascii/ansi text art as x0 a member of blocktronics, impure, and A.M.i.S.H (ansi masters in straw hats)

find me around the web

i try to be social online. plus i checkout pretty much every new chat service or social network when they release. please note: i've quit using irc & xmpp

favorite authors & books

currently reading: mark danielewski house of leaves
favs: william gibson neuromancer, count zero, mona lisa overdrive, idoru, fragments of a hologram_rose george orwell 1984, animal farm, keep the aspidistra flying chuck palahniuk fight club, rant, guts
stan lee, jim lee, alan moore, ed piskor, and frank miller should be on this list too, but their books are next...

comics i suggest you read

age of apocalypse, black science, chew, generation x, ghost in the shell, history of hiphop, king city, island, 2099, judge dredd, the manhattan projects, the maxx, multiple warheads, saga, sin city, think tank, transmetropolitan, v for vendetta, weapon x, wizzywig, wolverine, x-men (amazing, uncanny, ultimate, noir...) obviously a marvel & image fanboi

music to rawk out

friends & inspirational sites

yuu / thugcrowd / thu.gg
neeasade / no rice no life
lord nikon
venam / nixers
donovan hubbard
matt burdine
CYBERia / uptime.party

totally random note... there are over 100 commas on this page! ++lol